Antwort auf: Re:Test Drive Unlimited Club-Siege von Jackass

Status: User
Mitglied seit: 26.10.07
Ort: -
Beiträge: 1068

>*Imo* der schwerste Erfolg im ganzen Spiel.
>Du musst irgendeine Herausforderung an den Drive-Ins gewinnen.
>Mit ein bisserl Mogelei könnte man den vielleicht boosten, wird
>aber seeeeehr schwierig.

Hier ein Lösungsvorschlag von []:

"Take 2 victories in the custom challenges of the Drive-Ins.
Here you can get two achievments in one shot. You can get this along with "Sharing Custom Challenges" It takes 48 hours to complete but only nees a couple minutes of work.
Sharing 3 challenges is simple. Once you become the 2nd rank (30 minutes into the game) you should be able to go into "Editor Mode" VIA your Pause Menu. Go into there and select a start, a finish, and then test it, and save. Also make sure the "Entry Fee" is $1,000 and the amount the won is $0. Do this 3 times and you'll have 3 custom challenges. No achievement yet but your close. Now head over to any "Drive-In" and choose the option "Share Challenges" and pick one. You may only share one challenge at a time so this is the easy part... Wait... Dont forget to set it to One day, as the duration of the event. Come back after a day, and do the same thing again. Than come back to the game the day after that and once you log on you should get the "2 Victories" achievement. Again go to a "Drive-In' And share your 3rd and last challenge and you should get your achievement. The reason why you should get both is because nobody will challenge your time, therefore making you the winner. "

Bis denne, Brutzler
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