Antwort auf: Battlefield: Bad Company von Schimschi

Status: User
Mitglied seit: 26.10.07
Ort: -
Beiträge: 2600

8.0 - Presentation
The menus are a little old school, but they’re well-constructed and easy to navigate.

8.5 - Graphics
The destruction is impressive and with the frenetic pace of the action you’d expect framerate issues but there are none to be found. Odd film grain filter might turn some off.

9.5 - Sound
Some of the lines are a little cheesy but the overall design is amont the best I’ve heard. The sound effects are fantastic thanks to the HDR audio and the music is as good as ever.

8.5 - Gameplay
A very fun and engrossing multiplayer game is hurt a bit by a few design choices with regard to the campaign mode. Still very fun and worth your time if you’re into the genre. Co-op would be hug

8.5 - Lasting Appeal
Eight maps might seem a bit lacking in number but they’re fun enough to keep you playing for some time. The new mode to be released in a couple of months should help later down the line.

8.6 - Great OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)


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